Get to Know Fedella
A series of intimate questions which take us into the mind and experience of one of Barrio Logan's most visible artists within the last couple years. We explore topics of background, influence and overall stylistic exploration. Fedella Lizeth has been a reoccurring fixture fluctuating around and within Barrio Logan's amazing artistic tapestry.
We’d love to know a bit about your background and your artistic trajectory? What strikes your creativity? How has your heritage influenced your perspective when photographing the world which surrounds “you”?
Growing up in San Diego has allowed me to live within a certain diversity in life that I feel is very unique to this city. I did not grow up with the perception that this is a "military city" with beaches to surf, not in the way that people outside of my social class and/or tourists interpreted this place to be. My city to me is one that has housed beautiful black, brown, indigenous, and so many more colorful diaspora for generations. Might we be poor in economy, we are wealthy in culture, love, and pride. I am Central American and Italian, my father and my abuelos having migrated from Nicaragua to here. My mom was the first born in the States here in San Diego from Italy. I feel like as a first and second generation queer woman without any roots to this place but the ones I sow, that they must be meaningful to the people of my home that have allowed me to grow into the human I have always wanted to be for others. That is the root of my work, not only as a photographer, but as a creative human being. I believe we all possess a magic within our capabilities to share, learn, and love with. I only ever want to share this passion of mine with the world in hopes they feel strong in sharing theirs too.
As both a local and an artist with diverse cultural roots, how do you see your role in contributing and preserving the visual history of San Diego's urban communities?
I have taken a huge responsibility as a devoted photographer to documenting the undocumented culture, people, and stories here in San Diego. No one told me to do this, it is just what I feel is my primary purpose as a photographer. My next would be being able to expand the space I create through my documentation in other overlooked communities. For now, I will aimlessly work to preserve the true authenticity of what San Diego means to not only myself but to a lot of us who were born and raised here and not white or wealthy. What might be less appealing to a tourist, such as our hoods, our lifestyle, our community is quite literally the most beautiful part of San Diego to me. I will continue to make sure that others who can not see, start seeing us.
Barrio Logan has evolved immensely. I am only one person amongst so many other artists and photographers who have done work within the beautiful community that strive to do the same things I do, to celebrate the people and community that they love. ### Any particular projects or events of interest? We’d love to know!
I have been so busy! Although, in such good ways. I remember a time where I had asked for all of these great opportunities a long time ago. I am so grateful even if I am tired, because I know that I am fulfilling my true purpose. I am primarily teaching marginalized youth of San Diego photography and digital media literacy. It has been so lovely as it has been so life changing in learning and understanding more about our traumas in San Diego, how that's changed or stayed the same, and how art and photography is a huge tool to advocating for our community. It takes up a lot of my time but I wouldn't have it any other way right now! Other than that, I am constantly booking personal, business, or event photoshoots. I do not have an event coming up yet, but as always I will say I am constantly creating the perfect solo exhibition and a photo book to compliment it in my head until I can bring it to real life.
As you may know, Barrio Logan is consistently evolving and progressing while striving to remain rooted in its historical values. How do you balance capturing the vibrancy of these neighborhoods while also addressing the changes they may face?
Barrio Logan has evolved immensely. I am only one person amongst so many other artists and photographers who have done work within the beautiful community that strive to do the same things I do, to celebrate the people and community that they love. I will always show up with openness to newness because change is growth even if it is uncomfortable. As I become more seasoned in life, crossing bridges where the unknown waits is inevitable. But it is so important to bring your whole community with you. It is always a blessing when any single person reaches out to me to be a part of their shows, to photograph themselves or families, or simply to include me in something meaningful to them. I know that faith is tested when the bigger, more richer person can come in and take away everything from you. We have to remember that love and compassion will always win. I will continue to address changes the way I best know how, and that is to be there and to give others a certain space, one that takes them away from fear and allows them to celebrate their hard work in uprooting and uplifting the truer and loving community of Barrio Logan that built it to what it is today.